1. Conference: OSSIR

    We have given a presentation with Sébastien, for OSSIR.

    Subject is: Visualisation appliquée à la détection d’intrusion (which can roughly be translated to \visualization applied to intrusion detection). The slides can be found on the list of presentation materials.

    The conference was on our work since one year on intrusion detection, with the proposed implementation of a correlator, some explanations on classifications and current limitations, and how some graphs can help, especially the parallel axes representation.


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  2. ulogd2: the new userspace logging daemon for netfilter/iptables (part 1)

    Ulogd (and also ulogd2) is a powerful and flexible logging system for Netfilter/Iptables, based on a plugin system. It allows, for example, to log packets in a SQL database, and have some interface to analyze it (see Nulog2)



    Ulogd2 combines plugins to create a stack, where each plugin is chained to another. There are three types of plugins:

    • Source
    • Filter
    • Output

    A stack must have only one source, and one output (yet it can have several filters). It is possible to define several stacks in the configuration.

    Each plugin has a type (for ex, PGSQL), and must be instanciated (using a name chosen by the user). Each instance is a particular version of the plugin, defining parameters. This way, we will be able to output data in several formats using different stacks.

    For ex, the following stack :


    defines a stack with the following properties:

    • input plugin is NFLOG, this means we’ll use the -j NFLOG target of iptables as source
    • filters are BASE, IFINDEX, and PRINTPKT (we’ll cover what they do later)
    • output plugin is of type PGSQL, so data will be logged to a …
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  3. fusil_0.7-1_amd64.changes ACCEPTED

    Fusil (http://fusil.hachoir.org) has been accepted into Debian.

    The description:

    Fusil is a fuzzing framework designed to expose bugs in software by
    changing random bits of its input.
    It helps to start process with a prepared environment (limit memory,
    environment variables, redirect stdout, etc.), start network client or
    server, and create mangled files. Fusil has many probes to detect
    program crash: watch process exit code, watch process stdout and syslog
    for text patterns (eg. "segmentation fault"), watch session duration,
    watch cpu usage (process and system load), etc.
    Fusil is based on a modular architecture. It computes a session score
    used to guess fuzzing parameters like number of injected errors to
    input files.

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  4. FreeBSD 7 (installation in virtualbox)

    Date Fri 22 February 2008 Tags BSD


    The next major releaser of FreeBSD, 7.0 will be released soon. There are many nice improvements:

    • TCP socket buffers auto-sizing
    • SCTP (Stream Control Transmission Protocol)
    • Link aggregation / trunking
    • New scheduler: ULE 2.0 / 3.0
    • Most GIANT lock uses have been removed (increasing SMP/multi-thread efficiency)
    • ZFS support
    • Security event auditing
    • New privilege separation capabilities
    • SATA support
    • pf firewall updated to 4.1
    • Upgrade to gcc 4.2


    The installation of 7.0rc2 in VirtualBox went smooth, except the network part. The installer itself has not changed, so I won’t give details …

    For the network, there is a bug (not sure whether it’s virtualbox or freebsd7, the bug was reported here) causing the network not to work. The solution is to force the media type:

    ifconfig pcn0 media 10baseT/UTP

    For automatic configuration of the if at startup, edit /etc/rc.conf:

    ifconfig_pcn0="inet netmask media 10baseT/UTP"

    (to be continued)

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  5. Sections and variables initialization

    Default init

    ANSI C requires all uninitialized static and global variables to be initialized with 0 (§6.7.8 of the C99 definition). This means you can rely on the following behavior:

    int global;
    void function() {

    This will print 0, and it is guaranteed by the standard.

    However, this is not handled by the compiler. All you will be able to see is that the variable is put in the bss section:

    08049560 l     O .bss   00000004              static_var.1279
    08049564 g     O .bss   00000004              global_var

    It is the startup code of the linker which initializes the variables.

    The C compiler usually puts variables that are supposed to be initialized with 0 in the .bss section instead of the .data section. Opposed to the .data section, the .bss section does not contain actual data, it just specifies the size of all elements it contains. The C compiler just *assumes* that the linker, loader, or the startup code of the C library initializes this block of memory with 0. This is an optimization; .data elements occupy space in the image (or ROM or flash memory) and in RAM whereas .bss elements need to occupy RAM space only if …

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  6. bash hates twisted (me too, sometimes)

    I have a strange bug with bash shebang: when I try to give twistd as interpreter, bash tries to execute the script as a shell script !

    Here is a simple, not working, twisted script with a shebang:

    #! /usr/bin/twistd -y
    from twisted.application import internet, service

    Bash execution:

    $ bash -c ./test.tac
    from: can't read /var/mail/twisted.application

    Bash is trying to execute the script as a shell script ! (from is a shell command).

    Zsh execution:

    $ zsh -c ./test.tac
    Failed to load application: 'application'

    The error is correct (there is no application defined in the twisted script). It really looks like a bug in bash ..

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  7. https transport for apt

    Starting from Lenny, apt support the https transport for apt repositories.

    Before, this would give the error:

    # apt-get update
    E: The method driver /usr/lib/apt/methods/https could not be found.

    On Lenny (and unstable), install the apt-transport-https package:

    apt-get install apt-transport-https

    And https repositories will now work.

    This is no current backport for Etch on backports.org, because the hack for the transport is quite intrusive and require some deep modifications in the entire apt code. Maybe another site will propose it ?

    Note: it seems there is currently no way to check the certificate or configure trusted certificates. This is a good step towards security anyway. Remember: always use trusted repositories (signed with a trusted key - see man apt-key for more information).

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  8. LDAP injections, reflexions

    While searching for some security papers, I’ve been looking for something about LDAP injections.

    Let’s have a look on what OWASP says on their site:

    The same advanced exploitation techniques available in SQL Injection can be similarly applied in LDAP Injection.

    There is a problem here: there are some big differences between SQL and LDAP, which lead to differences in security:

    • in SQL, commands and values are expressed in the same input (a string containing a command). Several commands can be specified in one string:
    "SELECT field FROM table WHERE ...; DROP TABLE xx;"
    • while in LDAP, the filter contains only filter parameters, in a specific representation (RFC 2254). This representation uses a prefixed form (boolean operator comes before the fields), and each field must be enclosed between parenthesis.:
    "( & (uid=john.doe) (objectClass=person) )

    OWASP gives some examples, for a filter (cn=%s):

    1. If a user puts “*” on box search, the system may return all the usernames on the LDAP base
    2. If a user puts “jonys) (| (password = * ) )”, it will generate the code bellow revealing jonys’ password

    What ? One could make an application display the password ?!

    The first line is true: any filter like (uid=*) will return all users having …

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  9. Quilt, a patch management system (how to survive with many patches)

    Quilt is a nice tool to manage series of patches, and is particularly adapted to subversion (not very useful for git, the concept of patch series is integrated). It can manage dependant patches, edition, updating patches for a code change, etc.

    Start by telling quilt where to store patches:

    $ export QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches

    Quilt will create the directory automatically when creating the first patch.

    Now, suppose we want to create a new patch, called my_nice_patch:

    $ quilt new my_nice_patch
    Patch my_nice_patch is now on top

    \On top\ ? quilt manages patches as a stack, so you will have to push patches to apply them, and pop to deapply.Now that we have a patch name, we have to mark the files we will modify in this patch:

    $ quilt add reports.py gather.py
    File reports.py added to patch my_nice_patch
    File gather.py added to patch my_nice_patch

    So far so good. Three commands, and we have done nothing :) Files can be modified using your favorite editor (subliminal hint: vim), as usual. At any moment, you can get the diff between your modifications and the unpatched files:

    quilt diff

    will print a standard diff.

    At this point, you have finished your patch. If …

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