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  1. New GPG Key

    Date Wed 20 May 2009 Tags GPG

    Partly because of the latest theoretical attack against the SHA-1 digest algorithm (details), I created a new GPG key:

    sec   4096R/F1393998 2009-05-10
    uid                  Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@gmail.com>
    uid                  Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@inl.fr>
    uid                  Pierre Chifflier <pollux@debian.org>
    uid                  pollux <pollux@wzdftpd.net>
    uid                  Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@cpe.fr>

    It’s signed with my old key 0x8D5F40CB, uploaded to keyservers, and will replace my old key.

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