1. LDAP injections, reflexions

    While searching for some security papers, I’ve been looking for something about LDAP injections.

    Let’s have a look on what OWASP says on their site:

    The same advanced exploitation techniques available in SQL Injection can be similarly applied in LDAP Injection.

    There is a problem here: there are some big differences between SQL and LDAP, which lead to differences in security:

    • in SQL, commands and values are expressed in the same input (a string containing a command). Several commands can be specified in one string:
    "SELECT field FROM table WHERE ...; DROP TABLE xx;"
    • while in LDAP, the filter contains only filter parameters, in a specific representation (RFC 2254). This representation uses a prefixed form (boolean operator comes before the fields), and each field must be enclosed between parenthesis.:
    "( & (uid=john.doe) (objectClass=person) )

    OWASP gives some examples, for a filter (cn=%s):

    1. If a user puts “*” on box search, the system may return all the usernames on the LDAP base
    2. If a user puts “jonys) (| (password = * ) )”, it will generate the code bellow revealing jonys’ password

    What ? One could make an application display the password ?!

    The first line is true: any filter like (uid=*) will return all users having …

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